Our Annual Report

With the release of our 2019 Annual Report, we invite you to reflect on this past year with us as we take a moment to celebrate the progress made, lessons learned and victories won. In 2019, The Greenlining Institute celebrated its 26th anniversary in 2019, and the organization’s commitment to fighting for better opportunities and increased investments in communities of color has never been stronger. 2019 also marked a number of changes, principal among them the announcement of Debra Gore-Mann as President and CEO of Greenlining. We are inspired by her vision and dynamism, and are honored to welcome her as the first woman of color President in Greenlining’s history.

In 2020, the effects of racial disenfranchisement and systemic othering have become further exacerbated by the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. At the very same time, our country is now facing a long-overdue reckoning with the public health crisis of anti-Black violence and police brutality, and the culpability of institutions that perpetuate the system of racial hierarchy in our society.

Although we have our work cut out for us, over the course of Greenlining’s history we have seen the impact of strategic research and innovative policy advocacy to codify equity and influence outcomes in communities of color for the better. This ability to shine a light and illuminate the truth for others is a testament to Greenlining’s model and impact. With this intergenerational, multi-ethnic and community-centered focus, Greenlining will continue to operate as a key player in these critical policy conversations—and work to meaningfully improve the livelihoods of our target communities for generations to come. We look forward to building this future together and extend our sincerest thanks for your ongoing support of Greenlining.

Past Annual Reports