Our Annual Report

The Greenlining Institute’s 2022 Annual Report highlights a year of progress in advancing racial equity frameworks, deepening our engagement in communities, and strengthening our internal capacity and power. Our dedication to addressing the diverse needs of communities of color remains unwavering as we work towards a future where these communities can thrive.

“In Focus: Purpose & Progress” celebrates the successes we have achieved in our pursuit of a more just future and recognizes the importance of tapping into community power to drive equitable progress that can outlast political cycles. While the threats we face are real, so are the resolution and creativity of our communities to take on the challenges ahead. In 2022:

  • We successfully worked with our partners to negotiate hundreds of billions of dollars in community benefit agreements directed to formerly redlined communities. 
  • We advocated to strengthen the nation’s “anti-redlining” law to reverse financial institutions’ longstanding disinvestment in communities of color. 
  • We fought for historic state and federal investments to strengthen protections for climate vulnerable communities and we are working to ensure that low-income communities and communities of color reap the benefits promised by these investments and policies.  

This work would not be possible without the invaluable partnership of our funders, donors and partners. We extend our heartfelt thanks for their support and confidence as we work to champion a brighter future in which communities of color thrive and race is no longer a barrier to opportunity. 

Past Annual Reports