Charge Ahead California Campaign Statement on AB 2535: The Invest in Clean Air Act (Bonta) being held in Assembly Appropriations

To say we’re disappointed in the California State Assembly for holding AB 2535 in the Assembly Appropriations Committee is a profound understatement. The Invest in Clean Air Act, championed by Assemblymember Bonta, would have ensured state transportation funding is invested in sustainable transportation infrastructure, providing cleaner air for those most impacted by pollution. California’s communities […]

Equity Beyond Engagement: Making Federal Dollars Work for Frontline Communities 

With Super Tuesday behind us, it’s pretty clear who the candidates will be this November. Yet, with still much that is unknown about how this year’s elections will impact us, we’re taking stock of the Biden Administration’s policies and their impacts on our communities. In particular, many of us equity advocates are anxious about the future […]

Making EVs Practical & Accessible

Overview Making EVs practical and accessible is organized in the following sections: Address Specific Mobility Needs Community Mobility Needs Assessment Shared-use Mobility Making EVs Accessible Technical Assistance Charging Infrastructure Other Resources Introduction Making electric vehicles a real choice for underserved communities requires a lot more than providing subsidies to bring down the cost. EVs need […]

Making Evs Affordable

Overview Making EVs affordable is organized in the following sections: Purchase Incentive Tools Financing Assistance Other Resources Introduction Electric vehicles are cleaner and cheaper to drive than conventional, gas-powered cars and trucks but cost more upfront than conventional vehicles. A new 2016 Nissan Juke costs $20,250 compared to $29,010 for a new, equivalent size 2016 […]

Setting the Stage

Overview Setting the Stage is organized in the following sections: Standard Definitions Why Electric Vehicles? Why Prioritize EV Access in Underserved Communities? The Story in California: The Charge Ahead California Initiative Standard Definitions Plug-in Electric Vehicles (EVs) – is the umbrella term for both plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (e.g. Chevy Volt and Toyota Prius Plug-in) […]


Purpose Low-income communities and communities of color disproportionately feel the impacts of vehicle pollution and can benefit the most from the clean air and cost-saving benefits of EVs. This toolkit is specifically designed to provide tools, tips, and resources that will help make EVs accessible to these underserved communities. The toolkit’s chapters are broken out […]

Climate Finance

Overview Unlocking Private Capital for Climate Action Creating enduring solutions to climate change for communities of color requires unlocking the potential of private capital and holding financial institutions accountable for their impacts on the climate. Climate finance refers to local, national, or transnational financing – drawn from public, private, and alternative sources of financing – […]